Used colors:
Green owl
Resede 402, Vanille 403 and Light blue 173 from Catania.
Minerai 0048 and Blanc 0010 from Phildar Coton 3.
Linen owl
Hyacinth 240 and Resede 402 from Catania
Perle 0004, Blanc 0010, Minerai 0048 from Phildar Coton 3.
Light blue owl
Light blue 173 from Catania.
Silver 0074, Chanvre 0022, Blanc 0010 and Minerai 0048 from Phildar Coton 3.
Grey owl
Vanille 403 from Catania.
Silver 0074, Merinque 0078, Blanc 0010 and Minerai 0048 from Phildar Coton 3.
Salmon owl
Poudre 0062, Perle 0004, Chanvre 0022, Blanc 0010, Minerai 0048 from Phildar Coton 3.
Used stitches:
Chain, slip stitch, single crochet.
Level of difficulty:
2 (from 3).
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